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PlotAllDFs(listDFset, hardcopy=False, title='', linetype='',
coinciding=False, nolegendintra=False, figsize=(20,14), dpi=80)

Plots a set (or list of such sets) of functions (RDFs, potentials, corrections). Functions can be plotted all together on a same plot, or one per plot, or grouped by the type of interaction they are representing.
- list of sets of distribution functions, e.g. it is a list which keeps a few DFset objects inside (mandatory argument). Can be also a single set of functions
- If the plots should be saved as *.eps files (optional argument). Default value - False, no eps copies are made.
- Prefix used in a title of each plot (optional argument).
- String defining a type and color of lines according to matplotlib syntax (optional argument). See more about syntax here: tutorial
- Plot only coinciding functions (i.e. related to the same pair of bead types, or related to the same bond within the same molecule). Useful when one need to compare similar functions obtained from different (but close to each other) systems.
- If a legend on intramolecular plots should be omitted (optional argument). Default:False - show the legend everywhere. This option might be useful, when legend overlaps with curves on plot, usually it can happen when plotting intramolecular DF/potentials.
- Size of the plot in inches (x,y) (optional argument). Default size is (20,14).s
- Resolution of the plot in dpi (optional argument). Default value: 80 dpi.

Import RDFs obtained on every iteration of IMC to a list of RDFs (list of DFset objects) and also import reference RDFs
MagicTools.PlotAllDFs(RDFs) - Plot RDFs from the list at the same plot grouped by origin (pair of beads involved in function).
title='RDF convergence in IMC',linetype='.') Plot RDFs calculated in the first iteration of IMC at the same plot with reference RDFs, save copies to eps-files. Plots will be drawn with dots instead of lines, and a title will be added to each plot.
MagicTools.PlotAllDFs(RDFref) - Plot every function for RDFref on a separate figure.

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Alexander Lyubartsev 2016-05-03