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PotsEpsCorrection(pots, eps_old, eps_new, mcmfile=None)

Creates a new set of potentials, where intermolecular potentials are adjusted to a changed value of the dielectric permittivity according to eq.5. Intramolecular (bond) potentials are kept untouched.
- set of potentials to analyze (mandatory argument) NB! The correction only affects intermolecular potentials.
- dielectric permittivity used in inverse MC calculation (mandatory argument)
- new value of dielectric permittivity.
- molecular description file (or list of files) providing charges for bead/CG-atom types. Required if the potential was read from [RDFnPOT].pot file rather than from MagiC core [.out]log file.
Example: newpots=MagicTools.PotsEpsCorrection(Pots,eps_old=70,eps_new=100)

Alexander Lyubartsev 2016-05-03