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Getting started

Download and unpack the latest stable version of the software from
or get a copy from the repository:
hg clone magic-2.2
This will create folder magic-2.2, containing the whole software package. Below we refer to MagiC as a full path to the folder at your computer.

The following software is required for the python-based part: python (usually present), http://numpy.scipy.orgnumpy, http://matplotlib.sourceforge.netmatplotlib and http://ipython.orgipython.

If you are using Ubuntu, just add these packages:
sudo apt-get install ipython python-numpy python-matplotlib

To compile the Fortran-based core part of MagiC, a Fortran compiler (supporting at least Fortran-95 standard) is needed. We recommend Intel Fortran or Oracle Solaris Studio, since they produce faster binaries, but GNU Fortran is also an acceptable choice. Lapack library is required. For compilation of the program for parallel execution, MPI library is required.

Alexander Lyubartsev 2016-05-03