XTC trajectory file format support

In addition to simple text-based [xmol]xmol trajectory, MagiC supports XTC, which is a popular binary trajectory file format used in GROMACS and LAMMPS. For this MagiC uses external library xdrfile.

The library is automatically compiled by the install.sh script, however it requires access to GNU compiler set (CC and gfortran). You can see if the library was successfully compiled by checking existence of file

For manual compilation enter $MAGIC/lib/xdrfile-1.1.4 subfolder and run ./configure --enable-shared
Build the library by make install. If you have specified non-default location for the library, add it to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. The last thing is to add python wrapper for the library in PYTHONPATH:
export PYTHONPATH=$MAGIC/MagicTools/xdrfile-1.1.4/src/python:$PYTHONPATH
or run source setvars.sh