Reading the data

MagicTools can read data from several file types, used in MagiC: RDF and potential files [RDFnPOT]*.rdf, *.pot and the MagiC core log-file magic.out. This is done by procedures: [ReadRDF]ReadRDF, [ReadPot]ReadPot and [ReadMagiC]ReadMagiC, respectively.


	import MagicTools as MT
	Pots=MT.ReadPot('01.MT1MT2.i010.pot', quiet=True)
	RDFs_smpl=MT.ReadMagiC('01.magic.out', iters=(1,2,10))
	RDFs_smpl_mult = MT.ReadMagiC(['01.magic.out','02.magic.out'])
The first line imports the library, while the other lines are showing how to call the reading procedures. The procedures put the data into specified variables: RDFs_ref, Pots, RDFs_smpl. The first two variables are instances of [DFset]DFset, and the third variable, resulting from reading MagiC core output is a list of DFsets, where every element of the list is a set of RDFs sampled while given iteration, as specified in parameter iters. The last line shows example of how to read results from several files. [ReadMagiC]ReadMagiC, is not limited to reading just RDFs, but it can also extract potentials, corrected potentials, corrections applied at an iteration, reference RDFs. Check the procedure references for more details.