MultPlot(input, coinciding=True, atonce=False, show_sameasbond=False, *args, **kwargs)

Plot distribution functions from the list of DFset grouped by the type of interacting atoms or bond number. Also can be used as universal plotting interface for DF, list(DF), DFset or list(DFset).
DF-objects (list of DFsets, DFset, list of DFs) to be plotted
if true - only plot similar DFs that are present in all DFsets of the list, otherwise plot depending on existence of the function
Plot all DFs from the list on a single figure
Plot bond-related functions which are linked to other functions, by default - false] just plot the original function
Arguments for OnePlot
Optional arguments for OnePlot - figsize=(10, 7), dpi=80, hardcopy=False, outfile=None, title=None, multiplot=False


MT.MultPlot([DF1, DF2, DF3], atonce=True)
MT.MultPlot([DFset1, DFset2], conciding=True)
MT.MultPlot([DFset1, DFset2], figsize=(10, 7), dpi=80, 
      hardcopy=True, outfile='plot.eps',
      legend_template = 'Name.DFsetName',
      legend_fontsize=14, title_fontsize=18,
      xlabel='Distance', ylabel='RDF', xylabel_fontsize=12))