The method is based on Feynman path integral interpretation of Quantum mechanics. Each quantum particle is represented by a "ring polymer" whose elements (beads) are connected by harmonic forces ("springs"). Interparticle interactions are expressed as interactions between simultaneous beads of the polymers.

The Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method provides a direct, non-shifted statistical evaluation of quantum canonical averages:

< A > = Tr(A)

where = exp(-H) is the canonical density matrix, H is the Hamiltonian and is the reciprocal temperature.

The great advantage of the PIMC method is that it allows, in principle, really ab initio, without any assumptions beyound the Schrödinger equation, simulations of quantum systems. Still, an application of the PIMC method to a real system of quantum particles (e.g. electrons in the field of nuclei) at finite temperature remains a challenging problem. The main obstacles, both of principal and computational nature, come from the necessity of antisymmetrisation of the density matrix for a many-electron system.

The following paper provides a methodological basis for application of the PIMC method to the system of quantum identical particles with spin 1/2.

A.P.Lyubartsev, P.N.Vorontsov-Velyaminov. "Path Intergal Monte Carlo method in quantum statistics for a system of N identical fermions" Physical Review A, v.48(6), pp.4075-4083 (1993)


A rigorous expression for the partition function of N identical fermions with spin 1/2 is obtained in a form suitable for Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulation of a many electron system at finite temperature. A sum over permutations is reduced to a sum over classes with readily determinable factors. Distribution over projections and values of the total spin is also obtained enabling PIMC calculations of spin-dependent quantities. A new MC algorithm is proposed which accounts simultaneously for all types of trajectory linkages. A test calculation - four electrons in a spherical cavity with radius 1 nm at temperature 300 - 2000 K is performed.

See also:

P.N.Vorontsov-Velyaminov, M.O.Nesvit and R.I.Gorbunov, "Bead-Fourier path integral Monte Carlo method applied to systems of identical particles", Rhys.Rev.E, v.55(2),p.1979-1997 (1997)

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